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<!-- About -->
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# Hello! I'm Jacek Leszczyński
Currently I work as a Senior Software Engineer at Fonoa, automating taxes for the internet economy ~
Your regular rockstar engineer - just with a keyboard instead of a guitar!
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cat specializations.txt
- TypeScript
- Node
- Java
- Spring Boot + Cloud
- Azure / GCP / AWS
- Angular
- Hybrid mobile apps with Ionic
- Microservice architecture & patterns
- SQL & NoSQL Databases
- Leadership
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cat work.txt
# 💻 Bobsled
Senior Software Engineer
Ferbuary 2022 - ???
Building the world’s first data distribution platform
▪ Product development
▪ Architecture planning and implementation
▪ Building cool stuff in the clouds ☁️ (GCP / AWS / Azure) & datawarehouses (Snoflake ❄️ / Databricks)

# 💻 Fonoa
Senior Software Engineer
September 2021 - December 2022
Developing cutting edge tax products
▪ Product development
▪ Architecture planning and implementation

# 💻 QIAGEN (via RITS)
Software Development Lead
March 2021 - September 2021
Being Lead Software Developer and Team Leader for a Biotech company customer
▪ Team leading inside and outside the organization
▪ Architecture planning and implementation
▪ All software engineering as mentioned below

Senior Java Developer
March 2019 - March 2021
Software Development for Biotech company customer
▪ Microservice-based system development
▪ Spring Cloud
▪ Azure Cloud (EventHubs, NotificationHub, Functions, CosmosDB, ServiceBus, Storage)
▪ DevOps (Azure DevOps, CI/CD, Kubernetes)
Fullstack Software Engineer
July 2016 - March 2019
▪ New frontend (Angular, Server-Side Rendering, Progressive Web App) frontend (Angular, Server-Side Rendering, Progressive Web App, Open Search) + logistics backends
▪ Angular frontend with server-side-rendering and PWA - frontend (Angular, SSR, PWA) - pure js (ts) widget allowing for embedding google maps based map of parcel shops in Poland ( - parcel shops in Europe)
▪ Implementing microservice architecture based application
▪ Close partnership with PO
▪ Co-creating DevOps principles inside the team/company
▪ Implementing public RESTful/RPC API ( with OAuth 2.0 based authentication
# 💻 Credit Suisse
System Engineer
November 2015 - June 2016
# 💻 Nokia
Software Verification & Integration engineer -> Java Software Engineer
January 2013 - November 2015
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cat education.txt
# Politechnika Wrocławska, Wrocław
Master of Science, Computer Science
2013 - 2016
# Politechnika Wrocławska, Wrocław
Bachelor of Science, Computer Science
2009 - 2013
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cat contact.txt
Wrocław, Poland
Mail me:
Phone: +48 605 761 775
~/develop/cv master